速報APP / 生產應用 / On-site Photo Pro

On-site Photo Pro



檔案大小:1.2 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 10.3 或以上版本。與 iPad 相容。

支援語言:日語, 英語

On-site Photo Pro(圖1)-速報App

"On-site Photo Management" is an application for those who take pictures of constructions at work.

This is an enhanced + iPad version of "Construction Photo" that has been released.

You select a name of a site and can take a maximum of nine photos by touching "Camera" button.

Also, you have no hassle like selecting an e-mail address because your data can be sent to a preset address or the Cloud such as DropBox and EverNote by simply touching "Action" button.

You do not need to organize photos because those taken for each "Name of Site" in the past can be checked automatically on the list screen.

This application obtains GPS information internally even though it does not show on the application. You can check the location of photos taken.

(How to Use)

- Register "Name of Site" as initial setting.

On-site Photo Pro(圖2)-速報App

- Date is automatically set.

- You simply touch "Register" button after you take photos and write a comment.

- You can check photos taken in the past for each site in chronological order when checking "Photo List".


- Simple format with only "Name of Site, "Date", and "Remark". 

- You can send journals recorded to the Cloud such as EverNote and DropBox or e-mail addresses in CSV format.

- It can work with other applications such as a map application because this obtains GPS information when starting and closing down.


On-site Photo Pro(圖3)-速報App

- Please contact us if you have any questions, problems, and requests on this application.

